Igniting the Sacred Fire - Redemption
Sriman Narayana blesses us with a profound insight into the heart and soul of the quest for Truth, systematically dispelling long standing doubts that cloud the seekers heart.

The Sacred Path - First Steps
In this series of videos, Sriman Narayana sets in simple words for beginners, the Sacred Path towards Liberation.

Aparokshanubhuti - Self-Realization
This is an introduction to Vedanta and offers insight to Raja yoga where duality meets Oneness.These are intermediate to advance teachings, to those who desire to cross the ocean of illusion.

Vivekachudamani - The Crest-jewel of Discrimination
It is Advaita Vedanta and is for advanced Seekers, those who have moved beyond worldly desires, attachments, and seek Liberation only. Those who are mature will benefit from these teachings, those who are not yet ready can use them as inspiration and direction.

Ashtavakra Samhita - Divine Dialogue
It is a beautiful and famous dialog in the tradition of Advaita Vedanta, between Ashtavakra and his disciple king Janaka. These exalted teachings are most sacred and advanced. They should be approached with the heart full of Devotion.

Shandilya Bhakti Sutras
It is one of the most beautiful and famous works on the path of loving God, attributed to Sage Shandilya. For the Devotee they are pure nectar.

Narada Bhakti Sutras
It is one of the most beautiful and famous works on the path of loving God, attributed to Sage Narada. These exalted teachings are most sacred. They should be approached with the heart full of Devotion.