Would you like to organize a Satsang(*) to make Sri Sriman Narayana presence available worldwide to Seekers, so for His Divine Darshan(**) and for His Light to spread further?
Are you honestly interested in serving others by sharing the precious nectar of His presence? With all your Heart?
The most important things you would have to consider for this to be possible:
- You must have been in His Presence at least once
- Meetings should be free of charge and accessible to all, wherever they are held, at all times
- Donations are welcome but not mandatory
- There must be drinkable water, cushions or mats and chairs available in a clean and clear environment
- All organization and logistics are done by you with our total support
- Expenses of travel and accommodation must be covered
- There is no interest in establishing partnerships or associations that are not aligned with the purpose of this Sacred Meeting
If you feel in your Heart that you would like to organize it, please send us the following info:
- Schedule dates and times for the meetings
- Information about the place where the meetings will be held
- Information about the logistics (transport and accommodation for Sri Sriman Narayana)
For any other information or doubts, please contact us, we are happy to help you.
With Love, The Sangha Family
(*) Satsang, at the deepest level, means association with the inner quality of Sattva (Purity).
(**) Darshan is the blessing to be in the presence of a Holy Being.