Spiritual Rebirth


A complete God-given Sacred Process of Ascension for God-Realization, that starts with the Spiritual Rebirth which is the full Reconsecration of the Temple of the Spirit (the subtle bodies), and the full Reconsecration of the Temple of the Body (the physical body), reestablishing the Original Sacredness, in preparation for the Sacred Process of Spiritual Ascension.

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Spiritual Rebirth - Introduction
38 Videos
1 Document
0 Audio
Reconsecration of the Temple of the Spirit - Deep Purification
41 Days
42 Videos
6 Documents
7 Audios
Reconsecration of the Temple of the Spirit - Regeneration
30 Days
27 Videos
5 Documents
5 Audios
Reconsecration of the Temple of the Body
7 Days
1 Videos
5 Documents
5 Audios

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